大家好,我們是愛唱歌,熱愛地球的金星人。 第一支影片有點不太習慣對著麥克風說話XD 請大家多多指教~ 希望今年的疫情快快過去,世界越來越美好!如果你喜歡的話,可以幫我們按讚訂閱加分享!謝謝大家!World Peace! 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088099842370 Hello everyone! We would like to share with you our happiness as we are going to step into a new chapter in our life. We hope that the pandemic that happens all over the world this year can disappear as soon as possible and the world becomes better and better. If you like us, please watch the full video! Thank you! World peace ✌🏻 商業或互惠合作信箱:jessica60830@gmail.com (請在信件名稱附註來信主旨) 歡迎各大社福公益團體的合作喔! 目前住民: 國王:阿毛 (不務正業的準諮商心理師) 王子:蜻蜓 (學無所用的成大應用數學系碩士) 護衛:紅中 (多才多藝的台體運動防護學系研究生) 主教:夜凱(中二搞怪的反差萌企二代) 占卜師:翼翔AGL(不走正路的諮詢師)